Counseling Services | Paula Lain Counseling
Paula Lain Counseling (PLC) is a female-led counseling service that offers sessions for individuals, families, couples, and adolescents, with a particular emphasis on animal-assisted therapy.
Adult Child Abuse Survivor CounselingPlay TherapyCognitive Behavioral TherapyPet Assisted TherapyDialectical Behavior TherapyTrauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral TherapyFamily CounselingAdolescent/Youth CounselingPsychological AssessmentIndividual CounselingTelemental HealthPrivate Therapy PracticesBereavement and Grief CounselingConjoint CounselingMental Health ScreeningChild Abuse CounselingSexual Orientation CounselingParent CounselingMarriage and Relationships CounselingCrime Victim/Witness CounselingSpouse/Intimate Partner Abuse CounselingGender Identity CounselingDivorce Counseling
Physical Address
315 N. Main Avenue, Suite 207, Sioux Falls, SD 57104
By appointment only
Application process
Request appointment on website
$125.00 per 50 minute session or at a private pay rate
Open to all
Service area
Lincoln county, SD Minnehaha county, SD
Agency info
Paula Lain Counseling
Provides counseling services in-person and via telehealth.