
Counseling Services | Footsteps Counseling, LLC

Assessments and therapy offered for individual, family, group counseling and children ages 9 and up with specialties of: - Mental health screening - Divorce - Grief - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) - Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) - Adolescent/youth - Terminal illness - LGBTQ/gender identity - Parent - Hoarding - Spouse/intimate partner abuse - Adult survivors of child abuse ​Also offering services via telehealth.

Physical Address

121 4th Avenue, S.W., Suite 1, Aberdeen, SD 57401


10:00am - 6:00pm (CT), Monday - Friday Evenings and weekend by appointment only

Application process

Call or schedule an appointment online at www.footstepscounselingaberdeensd.com.


Accepts most insurance; $225.00/hour session.


Open to all

Service area

Brown county, SD

Agency info

Footsteps Counseling, LLC

Mental health facility providing high quality mental health care in the Aberdeen area.