Allen Youth Center | One Spirit
Youth and community center. Meals are provided and children have a small library, games, and computer. The center hosts many classes and programs with learning opportunities for everything from Lakota art, music, building rockets, archery, hand games, horse camps, summer camps, and daily living skills. There is a community laundromat and food pantry open to the community.
Physical Address
406 Water Tower Road, Allen, SD 57714
School year: 12:00noon - 10:00pm (MT), Monday - Friday Summer: 12:00noon - 8:00pm (MT), Monday - Friday 10:00am - 8:00pm (MT), Saturday, Sunday
Application process
Call for information
Call for information
All who live on Pine Ridge Tribal Land
Service area
Bennett county, SD Jackson county, SD Oglala Lakota county, SD
Agency info
One Spirit
Non-profit program to assist the Lakota meet the basic needs of their people and provide a culturally rich life for their youth.