Affordable Housing | Housing and Redevelopment Commission of Pierre
Offers assisted housing, public housing authority, security deposit and rental assistance for the elderly, people with disabling conditions, and families meeting low-income guidelines. Does not offer emergency housing assistance. Families pre-apply and are placed on the waiting list. As opening become available families are contacted. Families are given a voucher to rent with in the community or rent an apartment or home from HRCP. Yearly qualifications are required from the tenant to maintain tenancy. The rent payment assistance has a waiting list and is not an emergency rent payment assistance option.
Physical Address
301 W. Pleasant Drive, Pierre, SD 57501
8:00am - 3:00pm (CT), Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 12:00noon (CT), Friday
Application process
Must fill out an application.
Low-income families, elderly, or people with disabilities
Agency info
Housing and Redevelopment Commission of Pierre
Provides stable, quality affordable housing opportunities for low and moderate income families throughout the local community.