Thrift Store and Document Shredding Services | Goodwill of the Great Plains Sioux Falls
Recycles donated clothing, furniture, household goods, books, and other items by offering them for purchase. Proceeds benefit the community by offering individuals with barriers work training and employment opportunities. Goodwill has a clothing voucher program. Must be referred from a non-profit or government program. In Sioux Falls, DSS does not have vouchers for Goodwill. Programs offering vouchers are: Sioux Falls Housing Community Outreach Children's Home Society Heartland House - ICAP Southeastern Directions for LIfe Community Support Services Glory House Department of Labor ICAP Early Head Start Sioux Falls VA Compass Center Minnehaha Drug Court Goodwill's Mission department - only available after all other agencies have exhausted their supplies. GoodShred provides secure document destruction with proceeds used to support Goodwill's mission. For more information visit or call 605-357-6151.
Physical Address
4701 E. 41st Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57110
9:00am - 9:00pm (CT), Monday - Saturday 10:00am - 6:00pm (CT), Sunday
Application process
Call for information
Open to all
Service area
Lincoln county, SD Minnehaha county, SD
Agency info
Goodwill of the Great Plains Sioux Falls
Goodwill of the Great Plains serves as an advocate for economic self-sufficiency through employment and education.