
Basic Needs Assistance - Sturgis/Newell Area | Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Purpose is to help residents of Sturgis / Newell who call in to request assistance, or need referrals to deal with life's challenges. The phones are not manned 24/7. For immediate assistance, dial 911 (emergencies) or 211 (for information and referral). Frequently takes calls about rent, utilities, and food.

Physical Address

No Physical Address, Piedmont, SD 57769


For assistance, call for a phone intake.

Application process

Call and leave a message


18 years and older

Service area

Butte county, SD Meade county, SD

Agency info

Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Non-profit offering person-to-person service to those who are in need in Sioux Falls, Watertown, and the Black Hills area.