Rummage Sale Event | Compassion in Action
Holds rummage sales at various times during the year. Making items (clothing, household items, etc.) available at low cost. Proceeds go to local organizations such as schools, food banks, Veteran organizations, Hope Harbor, Alpha Center, delinquent school lunches, and families that have had disasters.
Physical Address
46108 278th Street, Chancellor, SD 57015
Check Facebook for upcoming event dates (rummages typically happen once every couple months). Phone number available: 9:00am - 8:00pm (CT), 7 days a week
3 day sales are fill a bag for $5.00 or $.50/item. Flash sales are fill a bag for $2.50 or $.25/item.
Rummage sales are open to all
Service area
Clay county, SD Hutchinson county, SD Lincoln county, SD Moody county, SD Turner county, SD Yankton county, SD
Agency info
Compassion in Action
Raises funds to support patients and families battling blood disorders.