Thrift Store | Salvation Army of the Black Hills
Gently used items for sale at bargain prices available to anyone. Clothing and household vouchers available for low income families through the Salvation Army Social Services Center.
Physical Address
621 E. St. Patrick Street, Rapid City, SD 57701
10:00am - 3:00pm (MT), Tuesday - Saturday
Application process
To apply for a voucher, go to the Salvation Army Social Services Center at 405 N. Cherry Avenue, 1:00pm - 4:00pm (MT), Monday - Friday.
Clothing and household vouchers available for low income families through the Salvation Army Social Services Center.
Open to all
Service area
Custer county, SD Fall River county, SD Oglala Lakota county, SD Pennington county, SD
Agency info
Salvation Army of the Black Hills
The Salvation Army helps individuals and families by providing a variety of social services.