Housing Authority | Oglala Sioux Tribe Partnership for Housing, Inc.
Provides the following services - Housing counseling, Credit counseling, Support services and referrals, Veterans' assistance, Homebuyer programs, Rehab assistance, Food security assistance, Small business counseling, Financial literacy and homebuyer education, After school nutrition program, Construction trades and skills training, Coordinating homebuying experience from intake to closing, COVID-19 community food and essentials relief, and Homeless outreach services and relief.
Physical Address
4 Fraggle Rock Street, Pine Ridge, SD 57770
8:00am - 4:30pm (MT), Monday - Friday
Application process
Call for application, walk-in, drive-up, e-mail, fax, or regular mail. Application fees apply when the completed application is submitted. Mobile Homeless Outreach office provides immediate homeless relief and takes applications for additional services and resources.
No fees for most services. Application earnest fees and closing fees for new homebuyers.
Open to all
Service area
Bennett county, SD Custer county, SD Fall River county, SD Jackson county, SD Oglala Lakota county, SD Pennington county, SD
Agency info
Oglala Sioux Tribe Partnership for Housing, Inc.
Provides affordable housing and community self-sufficiency opportunities in the Pine Ridge area.