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A domestic violence shelter that offers 24-hour crisis line for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Other services include: - Support groups - Court advocacy - Shelter for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking along with their children - Crisis counseling - Rape crisis services - Protection orders - Supervised visitation - Neutral exchanges - Food pantry - Common Sense Parenting and Birth to Three Responsive Parenting Classes - Life Skills Training - Transportation - Watertown Transit available by appointment Works with a local animal clinic to provide safe shelter for pets. Each case is addressed individually and based on whether or not the clinic is able to house the animal or not.


Domestic Violence Hotlines
Domestic Violence Shelters
Crime Victim Accompaniment Services
Domestic Violence Issues
Parental Visitation Facilitation
Protective/Restraining Orders
Sexual Assault Issues
Parenting Skills Classes
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Sexual Assault Counseling
Individual Advocacy
Sexual Assault/Incest Support Groups
Domestic Violence Support Groups
General Paratransit/Community Ride Programs