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The Sioux Falls Health Department oversees this agency. Falls Community Health is a family practice medical clinic and dental clinic with emphasis on health promotion and disease prevention. The Community Health Center was established in 1979 with its goal being to remove the barriers, primarily financial, that exist and limit the access of lower income individuals or families seeking primary health care services.  ​Services for the general public include family health, lab radiology, well-child care, immunizations, family planning (including birth control, STD screening and treatment), patient education, diabetes care, and dental care. Services for established clinic patients include outpatient mental health and substance abuse counseling, psychiatry services, transportation assistance (transporter of last resort), and pharmacy assistance to clients of the Falls Community Health Care Clinic.


Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Medication Assisted Maintenance Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
Childhood Immunization
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Prescription Expense Assistance
Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment
Dental Care Expense Assistance
Psychiatric Medication Services
Adult Psychiatry
Birth Control
General Health Education Programs
Diabetes Management Clinics
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Expense Assistance
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Dental Care
Individual Counseling
Community Health Workers
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
Physical Examinations
Safer Sex Education
Community Clinics
HPV Immunizations
Flu Vaccines
Case/Care Management
Family Counseling Agencies
Geriatric Psychiatry
Mental Health Expense Assistance
City Government Departments/Offices
Community Health Representatives program provides direct patient health care services including: promoting education and awareness of proper diet, exercise and health care practices; providing health care to patients with diabetes complications; education on reducing/preventing disease and accidents; providing transportation to health care facilities for patients; assisting IHS in providing baby and well-child immunizations checks; informing proper agencies of any violations and conducting follow-ups; gerontology for the elderly population; reducing rate of teenage pregnancy, STD's, with awareness and prevention practices; conducting Wellness, Health and Nutrition Awareness workshops/clinics; providing direct health care services to physically impaired individuals; providing medical transportation by means of the Transit Program; providing community health worker services; and providing animal care services to canine and feline species.


Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment
Native American Community
Childhood Immunization
Case/Care Management
Veterinary Care Expense Assistance
Community Health Workers
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
General Health Education Programs
Diabetes Management Clinics
Cultural Heritage Groups
Provides fully integrated medical and behavioral health care services and is a designated Primary Care Provider for Medicaid and Medicaid Health Home. Services provided include: HIV Prevention, women's health, All Women Count, school / sport / commercial driver license (CDL) physicals, child and infant care, adult care, immunizations, comprehensive diabetes care including educational classes and foot care, diabetes partners program, case management, chronic disease management, medication assisted therapy, treatment needs assessments, and patient navigators. Transportation is available for current patients if needed.


Community Clinics
Cancer Detection
Physical Examinations
Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment
Safe Sex Supplies
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
HPV Immunizations
Flu Vaccines
Childhood Immunization
Disease Prevention Programs
Cultural Heritage Groups
Podiatry/Foot Care
Safer Sex Education
Diabetes Management Clinics
Native American Community
Native American Traditional Healing
Women's Health Centers
Indian Health Service Clinics
HIV Testing
Prenatal Care
Birth Control
Prescription Expense Assistance
Behavioral Health Services available from licensed substance abuse and mental health counselors. ​Services include: chemical dependency assessments and Level 1.0 counseling, individual, couples, and family behavioral health counseling, Medication Assisted Therapy (MAT) for patients recovering from substance use disorders, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) Therapy, and psychiatry team availability. Transportation is available for current patients if needed.


Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Central Intake/Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Health Facility Licensing
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Residential Treatment Facility Licensing
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Individual Counseling
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Expense Assistance
Government Subsidized Prescription Drug Benefits
Cultural Heritage Groups
Native American Traditional Healing
Conjoint Counseling
Mental Health Screening
Marriage and Relationships Counseling
General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Divorce Counseling
Cultural Transition Counseling
Native American Community
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
General Counseling Services
Family Counseling
Telemental Health
Provides people and their families with services and supports to meet their unique needs. The Family Support 360 (FS360) Program is self-directed, which means the person and their family choose the services, the staff who provide them, and a schedule based on their needs. FS360 helps people and their family receive state-funded services and other community services, together with natural supports (extended family members, friends, neighbors, church congregations, and community organizations). Family Support Service Coordinators act as an advocate for you and your family. Services and supports include but are not limited to: service coordination, environmental accessibility adaptive equipment, vehicle modifications, companion services, supported employment, personal care, respite care, special medical adaptive equipment and supplies, nutritional supplements, specialized therapies, and recreational and social opportunities.


Developmental Disabilities
Intellectual Disabilities
Adult In Home Respite Care
Daily Living Aids
Assistive Technology Expense Assistance
Children's Out of Home Respite Care
Individual Advocacy
Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Adult Out of Home Respite Care
Disability Related Transportation
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Prescription Expense Assistance
Functional Disabilities
Home Rehabilitation Programs
General Relief
Children's In Home Respite Care
Shriners Children's has served their mission specializing in one thing: pediatric orthopedics. The board-certified surgeons and staff provide high-quality medical care to all children, regardless of a family's ability to pay. The clinic specializes in treating children with orthopedic conditions in an environment designed to put children at ease. They provide an intimate, family-centered environment where all clinic services including physician visits, radiology, rehabilitation, orthotics and prosthetics are provided under one roof. Not only will a child's medical needs be met by a team of specialists, they also offer camps and activities through our child life department, to meet their social and emotional needs. The staff at Shriners Children's proudly serves children in Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, western Wisconsin and into the Canadian provinces of Manitoba, Ontario and Saskatchewan.


Pediatric Developmental Screening
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Physical Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Specialized Pediatric Evaluation
The Sioux Falls Health Department oversees this agency. Falls Community Health is a family practice medical clinic and dental clinic with emphasis on health promotion and disease prevention. The Community Health Center was established in 1979 with its goal being to remove the barriers, primarily financial, that exist and limit the access of lower income individuals or families seeking primary health care services.  ​Services for the general public include family health, lab radiology, well-child care, immunizations, family planning (including birth control, STD screening and treatment), patient education, diabetes care, and dental care. Services for established clinic patients include outpatient mental health and substance abuse counseling, psychiatry services, transportation assistance (transporter of last resort), and pharmacy assistance to clients of the Falls Community Health Care Clinic.


Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Medication Assisted Maintenance Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
Childhood Immunization
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Prescription Expense Assistance
Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment
Dental Care Expense Assistance
Psychiatric Medication Services
Adult Psychiatry
Birth Control
General Health Education Programs
Diabetes Management Clinics
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Expense Assistance
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Dental Care
Individual Counseling
Community Health Workers
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
Physical Examinations
Safer Sex Education
Community Clinics
HPV Immunizations
Flu Vaccines
Case/Care Management
Family Counseling Agencies
Geriatric Psychiatry
Mental Health Expense Assistance
City Government Departments/Offices
Provides fully integrated medical and behavioral health care services and is a designated Primary Care Provider for Medicaid and Medicaid Health Home. Services provided include: HIV Prevention, women's health, All Women Count, school / sport / commercial driver license (CDL) physicals, child and infant care, adult care, immunizations, comprehensive diabetes care including educational classes and foot care, diabetes partners program, case management, chronic disease management, medication assisted therapy, treatment needs assessments, and patient navigators. Transportation is available for current patients if needed.


Community Clinics
Cancer Detection
Physical Examinations
Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment
Safe Sex Supplies
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
HPV Immunizations
Flu Vaccines
Childhood Immunization
Disease Prevention Programs
Cultural Heritage Groups
Podiatry/Foot Care
Safer Sex Education
Diabetes Management Clinics
Native American Community
Native American Traditional Healing
Women's Health Centers
Indian Health Service Clinics
HIV Testing
Prenatal Care
Birth Control
Prescription Expense Assistance
The Sioux Falls Health Department oversees this agency. Falls Community Health is a family practice medical clinic and dental clinic with emphasis on health promotion and disease prevention. The Community Health Center was established in 1979 with its goal being to remove the barriers, primarily financial, that exist and limit the access of lower income individuals or families seeking primary health care services.  ​Services for the general public include family health, lab radiology, well-child care, immunizations, family planning (including birth control, STD screening and treatment), patient education, diabetes care, and dental care. Services for established clinic patients include outpatient mental health and substance abuse counseling, psychiatry services, transportation assistance (transporter of last resort), and pharmacy assistance to clients of the Falls Community Health Care Clinic.


Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Medication Assisted Maintenance Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
Childhood Immunization
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Prescription Expense Assistance
Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment
Dental Care Expense Assistance
Psychiatric Medication Services
Adult Psychiatry
Birth Control
General Health Education Programs
Diabetes Management Clinics
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Expense Assistance
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Dental Care
Individual Counseling
Community Health Workers
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
Physical Examinations
Safer Sex Education
Community Clinics
HPV Immunizations
Flu Vaccines
Case/Care Management
Family Counseling Agencies
Geriatric Psychiatry
Mental Health Expense Assistance
City Government Departments/Offices
Behavioral Health Services available from licensed substance abuse and mental health counselors. ​Services include: chemical dependency assessments and Level 1.0 counseling, individual, couples, and family behavioral health counseling, Medication Assisted Therapy (MAT) for patients recovering from substance use disorders, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) Therapy, and psychiatry team availability. Transportation is available for current patients if needed.


Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Central Intake/Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Health Facility Licensing
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Residential Treatment Facility Licensing
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Individual Counseling
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Expense Assistance
Government Subsidized Prescription Drug Benefits
Cultural Heritage Groups
Native American Traditional Healing
Conjoint Counseling
Mental Health Screening
Marriage and Relationships Counseling
General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Divorce Counseling
Cultural Transition Counseling
Native American Community
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
General Counseling Services
Family Counseling
Telemental Health
The Family Support 360 Program (FS 360) provides people and their families with services and supports to meet their unique needs. The FS 360 Program is self-directed, which means the person and their family choose the services, the staff who provide them, and a schedule based on their needs. FS 360 helps people and their family receive state funded services and other community services, together with natural supports (extended family members, friends, neighbors, church congregations, and community organizations). Each person receiving FS 360 services chooses a Family Support Service Coordinator who will help you find state funded services, community services, and natural supports. Once these services and supports are found, the Family Support Service Coordinator will help control a budget for the services. Most importantly, your Family Support Service Coordinator will advocate for you and your family. Services & Supports include Service Coordination, Environmental Accessibility Adaptive Equipment, Vehicle Modifications, Companion Services, Supported Employment, Personal Care, Respite Care, Special Medical Adaptive Equipment and Supplies, Nutritional Supplements, and Specialized Therapies.


Individual Advocacy
Disability Related Transportation
Intellectual Disabilities
Children's In Home Respite Care
Daily Living Aids
Functional Disabilities
Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
Home Rehabilitation Programs
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
State Government Agencies/Departments
Assistive Technology Expense Assistance
Prescription Expense Assistance
General Relief
Adult In Home Respite Care
Developmental Disabilities
Adult Out of Home Respite Care
Children's Out of Home Respite Care
Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
The Sioux Falls Health Department oversees this agency. Falls Community Health is a family practice medical clinic and dental clinic with emphasis on health promotion and disease prevention. The Community Health Center was established in 1979 with its goal being to remove the barriers, primarily financial, that exist and limit the access of lower income individuals or families seeking primary health care services.  ​Services for the general public include family health, lab radiology, well-child care, immunizations, family planning (including birth control, STD screening and treatment), patient education, diabetes care, and dental care. Services for established clinic patients include outpatient mental health and substance abuse counseling, psychiatry services, transportation assistance (transporter of last resort), and pharmacy assistance to clients of the Falls Community Health Care Clinic.


Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Medication Assisted Maintenance Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
Childhood Immunization
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Prescription Expense Assistance
Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment
Dental Care Expense Assistance
Psychiatric Medication Services
Adult Psychiatry
Birth Control
General Health Education Programs
Diabetes Management Clinics
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Expense Assistance
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Dental Care
Individual Counseling
Community Health Workers
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
Physical Examinations
Safer Sex Education
Community Clinics
HPV Immunizations
Flu Vaccines
Case/Care Management
Family Counseling Agencies
Geriatric Psychiatry
Mental Health Expense Assistance
City Government Departments/Offices
Offers information and referral for community services. - Emergency services based on availability and qualifications for the following: Emergency short term lodging Gas / Transportation for out-of-town medical appointment or stranded motorist In-state one-way bus ticket Utility assistance electric, water, or gas with a disconnection notice Prescription / medications Clothing Personal hygiene items Formula Disposable diapers - Emergency food based on availability and qualifications, including the: BackPack food program Pierre and Ft. Pierre food pantry Senior food box program - Holiday meals ie. Thanksgiving Basket - package containing ingredients to make a meal along with a frozen turkey Volunteer opportunities Distributor of The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) is provided by USDA through the State of South Dakota. Only requirement - individual must fall under TEFAP guidelines


Food Pantries
Bus Fare
Spontaneous Volunteer Management
Disaster Related Volunteer Preparedness/Mobilization Programs
Volunteer Recruitment/Coordination Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer Development
Thanksgiving Meals
Christmas Meals
Prescription Expense Assistance
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Commodity Supplemental Food Program
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Formula/Baby Food
Rent Payment Assistance
Baby Clothing
Children's Clothing
General Clothing Provision
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Gas Money
Specialized Information and Referral
The CWOY Support Navigator program is designed to provide support for American Indian youth, adults, and their families in the He Sapa area who struggle with suicidal thoughts or behaviors. CWOY Support Navigators act as mentors, advocates, and resource guides for American Indian youth, adults, and families needing support for their healing and personal growth. Services offered include: One-on-one mentorship Advocacy Individualized care planning Outings, activities and workshops Transportation to appointments Collaboration with behavioral health resources Coordination for success in academic programs Communication with family members Connecting participants to peer and community programs in support of healing goals Skill-building Mental health counseling Therapuetic circles


Suicide Prevention Programs
Bullying Prevention
Child Abuse Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention
Juvenile Delinquency Prevention
Individual Advocacy
Youth Development
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Mentoring Programs
Cultural Heritage Groups
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Tobacco Use Education/Prevention
Relapse Prevention Programs
Alcohol/Drug Impaired Driving Prevention
Mental Health Issues
Mental Health Screening
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Sexual Assault Prevention
Provides individualized in-home care and in home-rehab allowing people to remain in their home while receiving many of the professional health services available at a higher level of care. Services offered include skilled nursing, physical/speech/occupational therapies, IV therapy, and home health services.


Homemaker Assistance
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Senior Ride Programs
Errand Running/Shopping Assistance
Speech Therapy
Medication Reminders
Disability Related Transportation
Occupational Therapy
Home Health Care
Physical Therapy
Medication Information/Management
Intravenous Medication