Age Group
Payment Options
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A free, relationship enrichment program open to the public. It serves individuals, couples, and families. The goal of the program is for participating adults to develop the skills they need to experience healthy relationships and improve their path toward financial wellness and employability.
Relationship education and family support topics include: communication skill, controlling emotions, conflict resolution, making wise choices, setting life goals, mentorship, stress management, advocacy, and parenting strategies.
Financial wellness/employability services include: financial literacy, job search assistance, money management, joint budgeting, interview practice, resume coaching, and job skills and interest assessments.
Parenting Skills Classes
Relationship Workshops
Career Counseling
Personal Financial Counseling
Anger Management
Case/Care Management
Mentoring Programs
The CWOY Support Navigator program is designed to provide support for American Indian youth, adults, and their families in the He Sapa area who struggle with suicidal thoughts or behaviors. CWOY Support Navigators act as mentors, advocates, and resource guides for American Indian youth, adults, and families needing support for their healing and personal growth. Services offered include:
One-on-one mentorship
Individualized care planning
Outings, activities and workshops
Transportation to appointments
Collaboration with behavioral health resources
Coordination for success in academic programs
Communication with family members
Connecting participants to peer and community programs in support of healing goals
Mental health counseling
Therapuetic circles
Individual Advocacy
Alcohol/Drug Impaired Driving Prevention
Mentoring Programs
Cultural Heritage Groups
Bullying Prevention
Child Abuse Prevention
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention
Juvenile Delinquency Prevention
Mental Health Screening
Tobacco Use Education/Prevention
Sexual Assault Prevention
Youth Development
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Suicide Prevention Programs
General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Relapse Prevention Programs
Mental Health Issues