Age Group
Payment Options
1-8 of 8
The Office of Homeless Education facilitates the enrollment, attendance, and success of children and youth in transitional housing in the Sioux Falls School District.
The term "homeless children and youth" is defined by law as individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, including those who are sharing the housing of other persons; are living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or campgrounds; are living in emergency or transitional shelters; are abandoned in hospitals; are awaiting placement in foster care; are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus/train stations or similar settings; and migratory children living in the above circumstances.
Referrals are made for assistance with various needs the student may have.
The Office of Homeless Education facilitates the enrollment, attendance, and success of children and youth in transitional housing in the Sioux Falls School District.
The term "homeless children and youth" is defined by law as individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, including those who are sharing the housing of other persons; are living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or campgrounds; are living in emergency or transitional shelters; are abandoned in hospitals; are awaiting placement in foster care; are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus/train stations or similar settings; and migratory children living in the above circumstances.
Referrals are made for assistance with various needs the student may have.
Street Outreach Programs
Homeless School Transition Programs
When to call the McKinney-Vento Advocate?
Student is kicked out of their house-might have a place to stay tonight but doesn't have a long term plan
Family is in crisis- They appear to need basics: hygiene, clothing, food, and other necessitates
Domestic violence situations- parent may have fled, worried about getting their students to school
Student mentions doesn't know where they are staying tonight
Student doesn't have enough food at home
Student is missing a lot of school because of multiple address changes
Student mentions they are living with friends or relatives
What can McKinney-Vento staff help with?
Provide basis needs: food (free school breakfast and lunch), clothing, shoes hygiene items
McKinney-Vento transfer to stay at their school of origin (No need to change schools because of housing issues)
Transportation options if living outside the attendance area
Community referrals
Eliminate barriers to education
When to call the McKinney-Vento Advocate?
Student is kicked out of their house-might have a place to stay tonight but doesn't have a long term plan
Family is in crisis- They appear to need basics: hygiene, clothing, food, and other necessitates
Domestic violence situations- parent may have fled, worried about getting their students to school
Student mentions doesn't know where they are staying tonight
Student doesn't have enough food at home
Student is missing a lot of school because of multiple address changes
Student mentions they are living with friends or relatives
What can McKinney-Vento staff help with?
Provide basis needs: food (free school breakfast and lunch), clothing, shoes hygiene items
McKinney-Vento transfer to stay at their school of origin (No need to change schools because of housing issues)
Transportation options if living outside the attendance area
Community referrals
Eliminate barriers to education
Homeless School Transition Programs
Street Outreach Programs
Financial assistance is provided to households who are willing to go through financial education and learn to be accountable for their spending and saving.
Services include:
- Supportive housing for adults
- Rapid re-housing for families
- Homeless prevention for families
- Rental assistance
- Utility assistance
- Financial advising and education
- Food box program
- Clothing closet for adult and children
- Representative payee services for individuals on SSI/SSDI
- Street outreach
Financial assistance is provided to households who are willing to go through financial education and learn to be accountable for their spending and saving.
Services include:
- Supportive housing for adults
- Rapid re-housing for families
- Homeless prevention for families
- Rental assistance
- Utility assistance
- Financial advising and education
- Food box program
- Clothing closet for adult and children
- Representative payee services for individuals on SSI/SSDI
- Street outreach
Street Outreach Programs
Representative Payee Services
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Winter Clothing
General Clothing Provision
Personal Financial Counseling
Children's Clothing
Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing
Rent Payment Assistance
Food Pantries
The Care Center is the hub of many resources at the Center of Hope. Services provided include:
- Computers and phone/fax
- Guests can use, at no charge, for resume and employment/job searching
- Pastoral Care
- Individuals can receive one on one counseling with the pastoral team, including getting connected with the Earn-Your-Way program
Weekly programs include:
- Wednesday
- 9:30am - 11:00am, - Women's Coffee Break and Men's Life Bible study groups (During the school year)
- Tuesday
- 9:30am - Transition to Transformed Bible Study, lead by Center of Hope staff at the Bishop Dudley Hospitality House.
The Care Center is the hub of many resources at the Center of Hope. Services provided include:
- Computers and phone/fax
- Guests can use, at no charge, for resume and employment/job searching
- Pastoral Care
- Individuals can receive one on one counseling with the pastoral team, including getting connected with the Earn-Your-Way program
Weekly programs include:
- Wednesday
- 9:30am - 11:00am, - Women's Coffee Break and Men's Life Bible study groups (During the school year)
- Tuesday
- 9:30am - Transition to Transformed Bible Study, lead by Center of Hope staff at the Bishop Dudley Hospitality House.
Winter Clothing
Post Disaster Mental Health Services
Disaster Related Clothing/Emergency Supplies
Street Outreach Programs
Public Internet Access Sites
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Faith Based Counseling
Job Search Resource Centers
General Clothing Provision
Telephone Facilities
Children's Clothing
The SSVF program provides homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing services to help Veteran families keep, or rapidly transition to permanent housing.
For veterans and their families that meet all eligibility criteria and are enrolled with the program, the program can provide:
Outreach to Veterans
Case management
- Financial assistance (for securing/preserving housing)
Utility assistance for water, lights, and heating for current, past due, disconnection notices, previous address, and deposits
Rental assistance
Security deposits
- Other financial assistance
Child care costs
Moving costs
Transportation expense
Help applying for Department of Veterans Affairs assistance and other benefits
Help connecting Veterans with other community resources and services
The SSVF program provides homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing services to help Veteran families keep, or rapidly transition to permanent housing.
For veterans and their families that meet all eligibility criteria and are enrolled with the program, the program can provide:
Outreach to Veterans
Case management
- Financial assistance (for securing/preserving housing)
Utility assistance for water, lights, and heating for current, past due, disconnection notices, previous address, and deposits
Rental assistance
Security deposits
- Other financial assistance
Child care costs
Moving costs
Transportation expense
Help applying for Department of Veterans Affairs assistance and other benefits
Help connecting Veterans with other community resources and services
Rental Deposit Assistance
Veteran Homes
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Street Outreach Programs
Rent Payment Assistance
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Case/Care Management
Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing
Specialized Information and Referral
Utility Deposit Assistance
VA is committed to ending Veteran homelessness. No one who has served our country should ever go without a safe, stable place to call home.
The HUD-VASH program exists to assist veteran's with establishing and maintaining housing. Intensive case management is provided to the veteran.
VA is committed to ending Veteran homelessness. No one who has served our country should ever go without a safe, stable place to call home.
The HUD-VASH program exists to assist veteran's with establishing and maintaining housing. Intensive case management is provided to the veteran.
Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing
Rent Payment Assistance
Street Outreach Programs
Case/Care Management
Federal Government Agencies/Departments
The Daytime program provides the following services for the homeless and working poor:
- Daytime shelter (day rooms)- open to all (not just those who are staying overnight at the shelter)
- Showers and restrooms with hygiene items available
- Laundry services including soap & laundry sheets
- Children's play area equipped with developmental toys
- Phones and computers for housing and jobs searches
- Case Manager on site to connect with needed resources
- Lunch meal:
- 11:30am, Monday - Friday
- 3:30pm, Saturday and Sunday
The Daytime program provides the following services for the homeless and working poor:
- Daytime shelter (day rooms)- open to all (not just those who are staying overnight at the shelter)
- Showers and restrooms with hygiene items available
- Laundry services including soap & laundry sheets
- Children's play area equipped with developmental toys
- Phones and computers for housing and jobs searches
- Case Manager on site to connect with needed resources
- Lunch meal:
- 11:30am, Monday - Friday
- 3:30pm, Saturday and Sunday
Telephone Facilities
Soup Kitchens
Street Outreach Programs
Public Showers/Baths
Public Access Computers/Tools
Drop In Centers
Laundry Facilities
Baggage Check Facilities
The Mental Health Service Line includes outpatient mental health, psychiatry services, local recovery coordinator, care coordination and home tele-health, peer support services, and more.
The Mental Health Service Line includes outpatient mental health, psychiatry services, local recovery coordinator, care coordination and home tele-health, peer support services, and more.
Adult Psychiatric Inpatient Units
General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Federal Government Agencies/Departments
Tobacco Use Education/Prevention
Veteran Outpatient Clinics
Homemaker Assistance
Conjoint Counseling
Adult Psychiatry
Family Counseling
Sexual Assault Counseling
Divorce Counseling
Anger Management
Marriage and Relationships Counseling
Homeless Veterans
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
General Counseling Services
Gun Locking Devices
Suicide Prevention Programs
Bereavement and Grief Counseling
Geriatric Psychiatry
Individual Counseling
Veteran Reintegration Counseling
Adult Child Sexual Abuse Survivor Counseling
Central Intake/Assessment for Mental Health Services
Clinical Psychiatric Evaluation
Street Outreach Programs
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Medical Information Services
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Telemental Health
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Mental Health Screening
Relapse Prevention Programs