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The Woodrow Wilson Keeble Memorial Health Care Center is accredited by Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organization, Inc. (JCAHO) serving Native American people living in or near Roberts County. Services include Behavioral Health, Dental, Diabetes Care, Health Promotion/Disease Prevention, Laboratory, Nursing, Radiology, Optometry, Pharmacy (Prescription Assistance - Enrolled members of a Native American tribe can get free prescriptions by visiting their local IHS), Primary Care, Public Health Nursing, Physical Therapy, Specialty Clinic (OB/GYN), Weight Loss/Nutrition, Well Child Care, Men/Women's Health, and Medication Disposal.


Community Clinics
Cultural Heritage Groups
Dialysis Centers
Diabetes Management Clinics
Clinical Psychiatric Evaluation
Cultural Transition Counseling
General Counseling Services
Individual Counseling
Government Subsidized Prescription Drug Benefits
Indian Health Service Clinics
Mental Health Screening
Prescription Expense Assistance
Physical Examinations
Medication Disposal
Native American Community
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Eye Examinations
Dental Care
Psychological Assessment
Services include emergency care, 24-hour ambulance services, urgent care, surgical, obstetrics, dental, vision, diabetic clinic, pharmacy, prescription assistance, Women's Health, and immunization clinics. Enrolled members of a Native American tribe can get free prescriptions by visiting their local IHS. - Telehealth Services - By appointment only Nephrology - Twice a month by appointment Audiology - Once a month by appointment Same Day Surgery - By appointment Physical Therapy - 8:00am to 5:00pm Daily Behavioral Health - 8:00am to 5:00pm


Telemental Health
Cultural Transition Counseling
Dental Care
Indian Health Service Clinics
Eye Examinations
Native American Community
Cultural Heritage Groups
Central Intake/Assessment for Mental Health Services
Ambulance Services
Hospital/Clinic Based Telemedicine
Prenatal Care
COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests
General Surgery
Diabetes Management Clinics
Prescription Expense Assistance
Oyate Behavioral Health is a component of Integrated Health Care. Individual Behavioral health services are offered through Clinic Appointment and Telehealth scheduled appointments. Walk-ins may be available. Provides the following services: comprehensive assessment, outpatient child/adult counseling and psychiatric services, medication management, group and family counseling, community support and education, telepsychiatry consultation, and dual diagnosis treatment. Also offers sweat lodge, please call to schedule.


Mental Health Screening
Group Counseling
Native American Traditional Healing
Individual Counseling
Telemental Health
Psychiatric Medication Services
Family Counseling Agencies
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
General Counseling Services
Cultural Transition Counseling
Clinical Psychiatric Evaluation
Rosebud IHS provides the following mental health services: Individual, couples, marriage, family, and group counseling Psychological testing/mental health evaluation/bio-psycho-socials Medication management (Avel Telepsychiatry) Crisis intervention and Referral Mental health screening Grief and bereavement counseling Terminal illness counseling Utilize Best practice therapies, i.e., Cognitive Behavioral therapy counseling support for co-occurring disorders Teletherapy with Avel Telepsychiatry Also provides consultation to Rosebud Sioux Tribe Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Inpatient and Outpatient Programs, the RST Methamphetamine Inpatient Treatment Program, Wanbli Wiconi Tipi Juvenile Detention Center, RST Adult Correctional Center, RST Courts System, Tiwahe Glu Kinipi Suicide Prevention Program, Wicozani Wakan Suicide Prevention Program, Tiwahe Glu Kinipi Systems of Care Youth and Family Mental Health Program, and local School Districts as requested. Suicide Prevention Specialist programming to assist with prevention activities.


Terminal Illness Counseling
Government Subsidized Prescription Drug Benefits
Cultural Heritage Groups
Marriage and Relationships Counseling
Cultural Transition Counseling
Child Abuse Counseling
Adult Child Sexual Abuse Survivor Counseling
General Counseling Services
Indian Health Service Clinics
Family Counseling
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Medication Information/Management
General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Native American Community
Medication Assisted Maintenance Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Psychological Assessment
Conjoint Counseling
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Expense Assistance
Individual Counseling
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Play Therapy
Psychiatric Medication Services
Bereavement and Grief Counseling
Relapse Prevention Programs
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Divorce Counseling
Inpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities
Mental Health Screening
Services include alcohol and drug evaluations, referrals to inpatient or outpatient facilities, low intensity outpatient treatment, 6 week program, Moral Reconation Therapy, DUI Classes for Standing Rock Tribal Court only, Aftercare, adolescent program, community awareness programs, and Positive Indian Parenting.


Cultural Transition Counseling
General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
DUI Offender Programs
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Telemental Health
Alcohol/Drug Impaired Driving Prevention
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Native American Community
Cultural Heritage Groups
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Expense Assistance
Relapse Prevention Programs
Outpatient program services for substance use and mental health (including co-occuring issues). Incorporates Lakota cultural traditional health along with mainstream modalities: - Crisis intervention - Individual, family, and couples therapy - Outpatient groups for both mental health and substance use issues - Community prevention - Discharge and aftercare planning - Referrals for involuntary and emergency services - Psychological assessments for children, adolescents, and adults - Medication Management - Inpatient treatment referrals for substance use and mental health counseling (including co-occuring issues) - Integrated Care Case Management - Transitional Living Center for pre-treatment (before treatment) and aftercare services provided 24/7. Co-ed facility. - Anger mangement group - Art therapy group for youth and adults - Recovery coaching - please call for more information


General Counseling Services
Cultural Transition Counseling
Native American Community
Alcohol/Drug Impaired Driving Prevention
Tobacco Use Education/Prevention
Bereavement and Grief Counseling
Marriage and Relationships Counseling
Native American Traditional Healing
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Psychiatric Medication Services
General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Relapse Prevention Programs
Individual Counseling
Mental Health Screening
Anger Management
Cultural Heritage Groups
Substance Use Disorder Crisis Intervention
Group Counseling
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Conjoint Counseling
Recovery Homes/Halfway Houses
Medication Information/Management
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Psychological Assessment
Substance Use Disorder Peer Recovery Coach Services
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Family Counseling
Services include behavioral health (including Substance Use Prevention), Community Health Representatives, dental care, diabetes care, health promotion/disease prevention, immunizations, laboratory, nursing, medical imaging, optometry, pharmacy (Prescription Assistance if eligible), Primary Care, public health nursing, smoking cessation, specialty clinics (e.g. OB/GYN, Mammography, Telehealth), weight loss/nutrition, well child care, women's health, and Wowasake Wellness Center


COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests
Physical Examinations
Indian Health Service Clinics
Childhood Immunization
Family Counseling Agencies
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Expense Assistance
Cultural Heritage Groups
Native American Community
Tobacco Use Education/Prevention
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Prescription Expense Assistance
General Counseling Services
Community Clinics
Women's Health Centers
Diabetes Management Clinics
Hospital/Clinic Based Telemedicine
Government Subsidized Prescription Drug Benefits
Conjoint Counseling
Individual Counseling
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Cultural Transition Counseling
Mental Health Screening
Telemental Health
Disease Prevention Programs
Behavioral health services include outpatient individual, couples, and family counseling, psychological assessment and evaluations (non-court ordered), and case management.


Mental Health Expense Assistance
Cultural Transition Counseling
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Indian Health Service Clinics
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Government Subsidized Prescription Drug Benefits
General Counseling Services
Native American Community
General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Cultural Heritage Groups
Individual Counseling
Offers addiction and mental health services. Licensed professionals provide assessments, outpatient treatment and referrals to specialty care. Crisis assistance, family therapy, support groups and clients are offered resources for cultural/spiritual guidance. Outreach services are provided to the school and corrections.


Conjoint Counseling
Native American Community
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Marriage and Relationships Counseling
Cultural Transition Counseling
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
General Counseling Services
Individual Counseling
Cultural Heritage Groups
Provides the following services - Individual therapy, Marriage and couples therapy, Family and group therapy, Evaluations (psychological and psych-social), Patient education, Case management services, and Emergency Mental Health Services available 24 hours a day / 7 days a week. Works in partnership with the Tribal Community to raise their physical, mental, social and spiritual health by providing timely caring services.


Family Counseling
Cultural Transition Counseling
General Counseling Services
General Crisis Intervention Hotlines
Clinical Psychiatric Evaluation
Mental Health Screening
Individual Counseling
Psychiatric Medication Services
General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Cultural Heritage Groups
Government Subsidized Prescription Drug Benefits
Native American Community
Psychological Assessment
Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Case/Care Management
Conjoint Counseling
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Indian Health Service Clinics
Behavioral Health Services available from licensed substance abuse and mental health counselors. ​Services include: chemical dependency assessments and Level 1.0 counseling, individual, couples, and family behavioral health counseling, Medication Assisted Therapy (MAT) for patients recovering from substance use disorders, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) Therapy, and psychiatry team availability. Transportation is available for current patients if needed.


Domestic Violence Support Groups
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Marriage and Relationships Counseling
Conjoint Counseling
General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Central Intake/Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Divorce Counseling
Family Counseling
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Residential Treatment Facility Licensing
Health Facility Licensing
Cultural Heritage Groups
Cultural Transition Counseling
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
General Counseling Services
Telemental Health
Native American Traditional Healing
Government Subsidized Prescription Drug Benefits
Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Native American Community
Mental Health Screening
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Expense Assistance
Individual Counseling
An ambulatory care center with outpatient services. Services include dental care, mental health services, public health nurse, environmental health care, optometry, laboratory, radiology, pharmacy (Prescription Assistance - Enrolled members of a Native American tribe can get free prescriptions by visiting their local IHS), podiatry, HIV Clinic, SANE services, and Fitness Center.


Indian Health Service Clinics
Cultural Heritage Groups
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Native American Community
Cultural Transition Counseling
General Counseling Services
Recreation Centers
Government Subsidized Prescription Drug Benefits
Dental Care
Individual Counseling
Community Clinics
HIV Testing
Prescription Expense Assistance
Psychiatric Medication Services
COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests
Eye Examinations
Diabetes Management Clinics
Provides drug and alcohol treatment for adolescents ages 13 - 17 years of age who are enrolled as a member of a federally recognized Tribe or able to show the lineal descendancy. It is a rolling admission and can be anywhere from 90 - 120 days.


Government Subsidized Prescription Drug Benefits
Residential Treatment Facility Licensing
Indian Health Service Clinics
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Cultural Transition Counseling
Inpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Expense Assistance
Provides the following services - emergency room, inpatient care, comprehensive primary care, Primary Care Medical Home (PCMH), behavioral health, adult and pediatric dental, eye clinic, radiology, laboratory, nursing, pharmacy, public health nursing, dietician, and telehealth (including behavioral health, internal medicine, and rheumatology).


Prenatal Care
Individual Counseling
Cultural Transition Counseling
COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests
Physical Examinations
Prescription Expense Assistance
Indian Health Service Clinics
Women's Health Centers
Dental Care
General Counseling Services
Cultural Heritage Groups
Native American Community
Central Intake/Assessment for Mental Health Services
Services provided include: ambulatory clinic, laboratory, X-Ray, pharmacy, dental unit, public health nursing, diabetes care, fitness program, mental health services, and optometry services. Specialty care clinics available: cardiology, wound care, OBGYN Prescription Assistance - Enrolled members of a Native American tribe can get free prescriptions by visiting their local IHS.


Dental Care
General Counseling Services
Community Clinics
Indian Health Service Clinics
Urgent Care Centers
Diabetes Management Clinics
Government Subsidized Prescription Drug Benefits
Cultural Transition Counseling
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Cultural Heritage Groups
Native American Community
Mental Health Screening
Individual Counseling
Prescription Expense Assistance
Family and Community Medicine
Behavioral Health Services available from licensed substance abuse and mental health counselors. ​Services include: chemical dependency assessments and Level 1.0 counseling, individual, couples, and family behavioral health counseling, Medication Assisted Therapy (MAT) for patients recovering from substance use disorders, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) Therapy, and psychiatry team availability. Transportation is available for current patients if needed.


Domestic Violence Support Groups
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Marriage and Relationships Counseling
Conjoint Counseling
General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Central Intake/Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Divorce Counseling
Family Counseling
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Residential Treatment Facility Licensing
Health Facility Licensing
Cultural Heritage Groups
Cultural Transition Counseling
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
General Counseling Services
Telemental Health
Native American Traditional Healing
Government Subsidized Prescription Drug Benefits
Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Native American Community
Mental Health Screening
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Expense Assistance
Individual Counseling
The Counseling Center offers the following services (all services based on eligibility and priority needs): Substance abuse services include screening, intake, evaluation, referrals, aftercare, primary prevention programs, education, MRT/SBISA classes, and group counseling. ​Mental health services include couples therapy, family therapy, individual therapy, group therapy, Education, Referrals, and Psychological evaluations and services.


Conjoint Counseling
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Expense Assistance
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Psychological Assessment
Cultural Transition Counseling
Group Counseling
Family Counseling
Government Subsidized Prescription Drug Benefits
Indian Health Service Clinics
Mental Health Screening
Individual Counseling
General Counseling Services
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Bereavement and Grief Counseling
Cultural Heritage Groups
Psychiatric Medication Services
Mental Health Expense Assistance
General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Native American Community
Counseling for individuals and couples, working with, but not limited to issues such as depression, anxiety, illness, bereavement, trauma, and abuse. Can provide counseling via online video sessions. Intake information is required prior to first therapy session. The session is typically a 55 minute session, much like those who come in for an in person session.


Private Therapy Practices
Conjoint Counseling
Individual Counseling
General Counseling Services
Cultural Transition Counseling
Terminal Illness Counseling
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Divorce Counseling
Telemental Health
Adult Child Sexual Abuse Survivor Counseling
Bereavement and Grief Counseling
Child Abuse Counseling