Age Group
Payment Options
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The Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator, is a source of information related to substance abuse/addiction and/or mental health services for persons seeking treatment facilities (outside of South Dakota) in the United States or U.S. Territories.
The Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator, is a source of information related to substance abuse/addiction and/or mental health services for persons seeking treatment facilities (outside of South Dakota) in the United States or U.S. Territories.
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Faith Based Counseling
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Pregnancy Counseling
Domestic Violence Intervention Programs
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Marriage and Relationships Counseling
Internet Addiction Counseling
Hoarding Counseling Programs
Gender Identity Counseling
Gambling Disorder Counseling
Divorce Counseling
Bereavement and Grief Counseling
Conjoint Counseling
Parent Counseling
Adult Child Sexual Abuse Survivor Counseling
Psychiatric Aftercare Services
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Inpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Residences for People With Chronic Substance Use Disorders
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Expense Assistance
Psychiatric Medication Services
General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Child Abuse Counseling
Individual Counseling
Sexual Orientation Counseling
Sexual Assault Counseling
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Sexual/Love Addiction Counseling
Sexuality Counseling
Adult Psychiatry
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
Geriatric Psychiatry
Integrated Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment
Psychiatric Case Management
Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Psychiatric Day Treatment
Sex Offender Counseling
General Counseling Services
Adult Residential Treatment Facilities
Family Counseling Agencies
Geriatric Psychiatric Inpatient Units
Children's Psychiatric Inpatient Units
Adult Psychiatric Inpatient Units
Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatient Units
Telemental Health
Federal Government Agencies/Departments
Peer Counseling
Group Counseling
Family Counseling
This program serves male and female youth with a primary diagnosis of substance dependency disorder. Treatment philosophy recognizes substance dependency as a chronic and progressive illness. Treatment includes 12-step groups, Alcoholics Anonymous, and Narcotic Anonymous groups within a therapeutic milieu. Treatment is completed in approximately 45 days.
This program serves male and female youth with a primary diagnosis of substance dependency disorder. Treatment philosophy recognizes substance dependency as a chronic and progressive illness. Treatment includes 12-step groups, Alcoholics Anonymous, and Narcotic Anonymous groups within a therapeutic milieu. Treatment is completed in approximately 45 days.
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Expense Assistance
Residential Treatment Facility Licensing
Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatient Units
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Inpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities
A full continuum of mental health and treatment for substance use disorders. Services include assessments, individual and family counseling, intensive outpatient substance use disorder treatment, residential treatment for pregnant and parenting women who face substance use disorders, transitional care and aftercare counseling for adults and adolescents, trauma-focused treatment for children/adolescents and their families impacted by traumatic events.
This can address a multitude of circumstances including COVID-related trauma, physical, sexual and emotional abuse, witness of violence, household incarceration, family substance abuse or mental illness, parent separation or divorce, medical, grief or refugee trauma, and bullying, neglect, disasters and more.
Also offers MRT (Moral Recognition Therapy), CBISA (Cognitive Behavioral Intervention Substance Abuse), and Telehealth services.
A full continuum of mental health and treatment for substance use disorders. Services include assessments, individual and family counseling, intensive outpatient substance use disorder treatment, residential treatment for pregnant and parenting women who face substance use disorders, transitional care and aftercare counseling for adults and adolescents, trauma-focused treatment for children/adolescents and their families impacted by traumatic events.
This can address a multitude of circumstances including COVID-related trauma, physical, sexual and emotional abuse, witness of violence, household incarceration, family substance abuse or mental illness, parent separation or divorce, medical, grief or refugee trauma, and bullying, neglect, disasters and more.
Also offers MRT (Moral Recognition Therapy), CBISA (Cognitive Behavioral Intervention Substance Abuse), and Telehealth services.
Clinical Psychiatric Evaluation
Community Safe Places
Mental Health Screening
Central Intake/Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Family Counseling Agencies
Telemental Health
Individual Counseling
Group Counseling
Child/Adolescent Residential Treatment Facilities
Residential Treatment Facility Licensing
Home Based Mental Health Services
Psychiatric Medication Services
General Crisis Intervention Hotlines
Parent Counseling
General Counseling Services
Marriage and Relationships Counseling
Adult Child Sexual Abuse Survivor Counseling
Psychological Assessment
Bereavement and Grief Counseling
General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Inpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities
Divorce Counseling
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Relapse Prevention Programs
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Expense Assistance
Sexual Assault Counseling
Mental Health Expense Assistance
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Conjoint Counseling
Child Abuse Counseling
Family Counseling
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Rosebud IHS provides the following mental health services:
Individual, couples, marriage, family, and group counseling
Psychological testing/mental health evaluation/bio-psycho-socials
Medication management (Avel Telepsychiatry)
Crisis intervention and Referral
Mental health screening
Grief and bereavement counseling
Terminal illness counseling
Utilize Best practice therapies, i.e., Cognitive Behavioral therapy
counseling support for co-occurring disorders
Teletherapy with Avel Telepsychiatry
Also provides consultation to Rosebud Sioux Tribe Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Inpatient and Outpatient Programs, the RST Methamphetamine Inpatient Treatment Program, Wanbli Wiconi Tipi Juvenile Detention Center, RST Adult Correctional Center, RST Courts System, Tiwahe Glu Kinipi Suicide Prevention Program, Wicozani Wakan Suicide Prevention Program, Tiwahe Glu Kinipi Systems of Care Youth and Family Mental Health Program, and local School Districts as requested.
Suicide Prevention Specialist programming to assist with prevention activities.
Rosebud IHS provides the following mental health services:
Individual, couples, marriage, family, and group counseling
Psychological testing/mental health evaluation/bio-psycho-socials
Medication management (Avel Telepsychiatry)
Crisis intervention and Referral
Mental health screening
Grief and bereavement counseling
Terminal illness counseling
Utilize Best practice therapies, i.e., Cognitive Behavioral therapy
counseling support for co-occurring disorders
Teletherapy with Avel Telepsychiatry
Also provides consultation to Rosebud Sioux Tribe Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Inpatient and Outpatient Programs, the RST Methamphetamine Inpatient Treatment Program, Wanbli Wiconi Tipi Juvenile Detention Center, RST Adult Correctional Center, RST Courts System, Tiwahe Glu Kinipi Suicide Prevention Program, Wicozani Wakan Suicide Prevention Program, Tiwahe Glu Kinipi Systems of Care Youth and Family Mental Health Program, and local School Districts as requested.
Suicide Prevention Specialist programming to assist with prevention activities.
Relapse Prevention Programs
Native American Community
Medication Information/Management
Cultural Heritage Groups
Inpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities
Marriage and Relationships Counseling
Terminal Illness Counseling
Mental Health Screening
Psychiatric Medication Services
Play Therapy
Mental Health Expense Assistance
General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Medication Assisted Maintenance Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Psychological Assessment
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Expense Assistance
Government Subsidized Prescription Drug Benefits
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Conjoint Counseling
Family Counseling
Individual Counseling
General Counseling Services
Adult Child Sexual Abuse Survivor Counseling
Child Abuse Counseling
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Bereavement and Grief Counseling
Cultural Transition Counseling
Divorce Counseling
Indian Health Service Clinics
Residential program offering 24 hour supervision, intensive 45-60 day program offering addiction recovery therapy. Seeks to meet each youth's educational, emotional, health, and family needs. Services offered include free assessments, mental health evaluation, treatment planning, group and individual therapy, aftercare planning, aftercare groups, 12-step groups, advocacy and referrals.
Residential program offering 24 hour supervision, intensive 45-60 day program offering addiction recovery therapy. Seeks to meet each youth's educational, emotional, health, and family needs. Services offered include free assessments, mental health evaluation, treatment planning, group and individual therapy, aftercare planning, aftercare groups, 12-step groups, advocacy and referrals.
Child/Adolescent Residential Treatment Facilities
Inpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities
Group Counseling
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Central Intake/Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Mental Health Screening
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Residential Treatment Facility Licensing
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Expense Assistance
Relapse Prevention Programs
Provides drug and alcohol treatment for adolescents ages 13 - 17 years of age who are enrolled as a member of a federally recognized Tribe or able to show the lineal descendancy. It is a rolling admission and can be anywhere from 90 - 120 days.
Provides drug and alcohol treatment for adolescents ages 13 - 17 years of age who are enrolled as a member of a federally recognized Tribe or able to show the lineal descendancy. It is a rolling admission and can be anywhere from 90 - 120 days.
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Expense Assistance
Residential Treatment Facility Licensing
Indian Health Service Clinics
Inpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities
Cultural Transition Counseling
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Government Subsidized Prescription Drug Benefits