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This office is the keeper of County records and acts as a bookkeeper of County business. The Auditor is responsible for County Commissioner meetings including scheduling, agenda, business follow-up, Preparing the County's budget, Audit bills or other claims against the County and prepare the warrants in payment of these bills, Figuring the mil levy, and Head election officer of the County. Also deals with Voter Registration and Absentee Voting. The Auditor's Office also handles requests for one-time economic assistance that may include Rent, Utility for current bills, May be available for water, lights, heating, Medical, hospitalization, and burial assistance requires pre-approval if not for emergency services. All other resources must have been exhausted first. Assistance does require payback and county lien is filed until paid in full.


Absentee Ballots
County Auditor Offices
Rent Payment Assistance
Notary Public Services
Medical Care Expense Assistance
General Relief
Utility Service Payment Assistance
County Government Departments/Offices
Election Information
Voter Registration Offices
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
Provides both economic and medical assistance to residents of Beadle County on a one time basis. Economic assistance is for current amounts only (no overdue bills). No payment for deposits of any kind. Rent, Utility assistance for current bills may be available for water, lights, and heating, and Medical, hospitalization, and burial assistance requires pre-approval if not for emergency services. All other resources must have been exhausted first. Assistance does require payback and county lien is filed until paid in full.


Medical Care Expense Assistance
County Government Departments/Offices
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Economic Assistance: Emergency assistance program. Eligibility is based on state statute and county guidelines. The amount of assistance granted is established in the County Guidelines and the Federal Poverty Level Guidelines. For all assistance granted, state statute requires that a lien is placed against the individual. Economic assistance is not an on-going program, but is designed to address the immediate need. Due to the attachment of a lien, the individual is encouraged to exhaust all other resources prior to making application with the county. The county will assist in making appropriate referrals and can act as an advocate on the individual's behalf. - Types of assistance provided for qualified applicants: - Rent Assistance Does not help with 1st month's rent or a rental deposit. Assistance is only for those individuals who have received a sheriff served 3-day eviction notice. Having the notice is required. Also, resident must have live in Davison County for at least 60 days. Utilities (disconnect notice required) Emergency Transportation (gas voucher or bus ticket) Emergency Shelter (one night hotel stay) Medical Assistance The county is a resource of last resort and requires that all other resources be exhausted first. Medical assistance is determined by a formula established in state statute. The individual's availability and affordability of health care coverage will be one determining factor of eligibility. All medical services must meet the criteria of medical necessity set by state statue. The county works directly with medical providers and past and current employers in assessing eligibility. The county must approve non-emergency medical procedures prior to the services being performed. The county investigates any potential third-party payee. If the county approves financial assistance, a repayment plan will be established. - Types of assistance provided: Medication Hospital Funeral Assistance Davison County Welfare provides financial assistance for funeral services and burials for qualified individuals.


Homeless Shelter
Prescription Expense Assistance
General Relief
County Government Departments/Offices
Bus Fare
Rent Payment Assistance
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
Gas Money
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Assists with the following indigent medical claims (excluding prescriptions), utilities, and burial and funeral.


Utility Service Payment Assistance
Medical Care Expense Assistance
General Relief
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
County Government Departments/Offices
Auditor services include auditing of all financial records of the County, apportioning of taxes collected by the Treasurer to be disbursed to the schools, cities, and other special assessment entities, County accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, budgets, and tax levy, beer and liquor licensing, County liens, recorder of the minutes for the Board of County Commissioners, and maintains all voter records. Notary Public services available. Some fees may apply. Administers all elections at the county level or above Based on eligibility guidelines, Welfare services include medical assistance, utilities assistance for disconnect notices on heating bills, and burial and funeral assistance.


Medical Care Expense Assistance
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Election Information
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
Beer/Liquor Licenses and Permits
County Government Departments/Offices
Voter Registration Offices
Notary Public Services
Absentee Ballots
County Auditor Offices
General Relief
Strives to help county residents facing a possible financial crisis resolve the issue and prevent future financial problems first through Case Management, especially for people who are homeless or at risk to be homeless. Assess the situation and make a plan to address issues Connect families and individuals to community resources Follow up with individuals to provide support Provides limited financial assistance as a last resort for those considered indigent and are residents of Codington County. The office may be able to help with: Homelessness Eviction prevention Utility disconnects Burials (must be referred by the funeral home) Medical costs (emergency only) Individuals should call or email to request an assessment.


Medical Care Expense Assistance
Utility Service Payment Assistance
General Relief
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
Case/Care Management
County Government Departments/Offices
Rent Payment Assistance
Based on eligibility guidelines, office provides Indigent Medical Expenses, Indigent Burial Expenses, and General poor relief Applicant is required by law to repay the county for assistance given, per SDCL 28-14. County is payer of last resort.


Medical Care Expense Assistance
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
General Relief
Rent Payment Assistance
Utility Service Payment Assistance
County Government Departments/Offices
This office offers the following emergency assistance - Economic Assistance (i.e. Rent, Utility shut-offs disconnects), Medical Assistance, and Burial Assistance.


Utility Service Payment Assistance
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
General Relief
County Government Departments/Offices
Medical Care Expense Assistance
The Auditor is the keeper of County records and acts as a bookkeeper of County business. The Auditor is responsible for County Commissioner meetings including scheduling, agenda, business follow-up, Preparing the County's budget, Audit bills or other claims against the County and prepare the warrants in payment of these bills, Figuring the mil levy, and Head election officer of the County. Notary Public services available. Some fees may apply. Based on eligibility guidelines, Welfare services include medical assistance, utilities assistance for disconnect notices on heating bills, and burial and funeral assistance.


County Board of Supervisors Offices
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Notary Public Services
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
County Government Departments/Offices
County Auditor Offices
Absentee Ballots
Election Information
Voter Registration Offices
The county is a resource of last resort, available only after all other resources have been exhausted. Any applicant who receives assistance will have a lien filed in their name for that amount and will be responsible for repayment of that lien to the County. Requests for assistance with: - Rent/Deposit Partial assistance with the current month's rent. Rental deposits are limited to the availability of grant funds. - Mortgage Partial assistance of one month's payment if applicant meets program qualifications. - Utilities Partial assistance with past due bills for water, electric, natural gas and propane usage. Additional utility charges and fees limited to the availability of grant funds. - Transportation Costs Assistance with bus passes or gasoline for verifiable medical appointments or new employment. - Medical Assistance may include emergency prescription medications, specialty physician services, hospitalizations, and insurance premiums. Services may require prior approval. - Burial or Cremation Pennington County residents without resources or family members to assist.


Gas Money
Bus Fare
Rental Deposit Assistance
Mortgage Payment Assistance
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Prescription Expense Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
County Government Departments/Offices
Provides the ability to help individuals apply for county assistance regarding medical or utilities bills if it is an emergency and (in the case of a medical issue) the person has no insurance.


Utility Service Payment Assistance
General Relief
County Government Departments/Offices
Medical Care Expense Assistance
If eligible, temporary emergency financial assistance is available for children's needs of up to $1,500. All other avenues must be exhausted before applying for assistance.


Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance
Veteran Membership Organizations
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Utility Service Payment Assistance
My Neighbor serves as a bridge, offering assistance and resources through: information and referral; assessing the needs for financial assistance to include gaps and ensuring that the funding gets to those who truly have crisis needs, and using the available resources and tools to help solve situations, to prevent this same situation from re-surfacing, and to improve someone's situation for the long term and in essence creating a self-reliant member of the Brookings community. The program can cover some items that are not normally covered (i.e. daycare); it depends on the situation, but the key is based upon self sufficiency. Also, people do not qualify just because of income, low or otherwise, the eligibility comes from the specific case. This program is to be considered a LAST resort, meaning referrals will be given to clients to check out before any assistance is given.The program MAY BE ABLE TO HELP with the following: rent, rent deposit, utility bills that are current, past due, or disconnection notice for water, lights, heating, and trash, utility deposits for water, lights, and heating, daycare, small car repairs, car payment (if employed), and small health care needs. The program DOES NOT HELP with the following: cable, cell/phone, internet, shelter in the form of temporary housing or hotel stays, transportation in the form of gasoline, bus tickets, or taxi, personal needs such as furniture, clothing, laundry, personal or hygiene needs, Christmas presents, food or meals, and prescriptions My Neighbor program is for people that LIVE and WORK in Brookings.


Rental Deposit Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Automotive Repair and Maintenance
Utility Deposit Assistance
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Child Care Expense Assistance
Specialized Information and Referral
Available to individuals or couples experiencing an unplanned pregnancy so that abortion is not needed because of financial reasons. Mother Teresa helps with expenses that community/county agencies do not provide assistance with such as rent, utilities, car payments, etc. An application is required and documentation of bills, insurance, and other assistance must be included. This fund is limited.


Pregnancy Counseling
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Auditor services include: - The Auditor is the keeper of County records and acts as a bookkeeper of County business. The Auditor is responsible for County Commissioner meetings including scheduling, agenda, business follow-up, Preparing the County's budget, Audit bills or other claims against the County and prepare the warrants in payment of these bills, Figuring the mil levy, and Head election officer of the County. Notary Public services available. Some fees may apply. Welfare services include: - Provides both economic and medical assistance to residents of Beadle County on a one time basis. Economic assistance is for current amounts only. No payment for deposits of any kind. Rent, Utility assistance for current bills may be available for water, lights, and heating, and Medical, hospitalization, and burial assistance requires pre-approval if not for emergency services. All other resources must have been exhausted first. Assistance does require payback and county lien is filed until paid in full. Planning & Zoning services include: - Takes applications for building permits, administers the County zoning ordinances and makes recommendations to the Commission for granting or denying the permits. Assist with educational programs, Investigate complaints and zoning violation, Modify county ordinances, Prepare annual department budget and public meeting agendas, Property rezoning and platting, Review concentrated animal feeding operations, and Site plan reviews. Update County Commission and Planning and Zoning Commission on current activities, trends, changes in law, and policies. -


County Auditor Offices
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Election Information
General Relief
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
County Government Departments/Offices
County Board of Supervisors Offices
Notary Public Services
Building Permits
City/County Planning Offices
Absentee Ballots
Voter Registration Offices
Assists with the following as a last payer - indigent medical claims (excluding prescriptions), utilities, and burial, and funeral expense assistance.


Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
Medical Care Expense Assistance
County Government Departments/Offices
Utility Service Payment Assistance
General Relief
Elder Angel Funds are available through a short application process to help low-income senior citizens with everyday expenses such as rent, utilities, groceries, clothing, medical co-pays, prescriptions, etc.


Utility Service Payment Assistance
Clothing Vouchers
Rent Payment Assistance
Food Vouchers
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Prescription Expense Assistance
The Auditor's office provides that following services for Oglala Lakota County - County Government Services, Notary Public services available (some fees may apply), Health Nurse, Utility Assistance, Emergency Medical Expense Assistance, Election Information, and Voter Registration. These services are provided, via contract, by the Fall River Auditor's Office.


Absentee Ballots
County Auditor Offices
County Government Departments/Offices
Election Information
Voter Registration Offices
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Notary Public Services
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Provides care to people of all sexes and gender identities on a sliding fee scale. Confidential birth control services including birth control pills and injections (donations only or sliding scale charge). Physical exams, pap-tests, exams/testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (male and female patients including teens), information about all forms of birth control, infertility information and referral, pregnancy diagnosis and referrals.


Birth Control
Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment
Safer Sex Education
Infertility Services
Pregnancy Counseling
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
HIV Testing
Pregnancy Testing
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Provides emergency assistance for those in either Minnehaha/Lincoln County with rent and deposits, Utility bills: Must have a disconnect notice for water, lights, or heating; Food and non-food items, Burial: Clients should begin by choosing a funeral home and meet with them prior to applying for assistance through Minnehaha County. Also provides transportation assistance, dental care, medical care (hospitalization) and Medications. Minnehaha County residents can also receive assistance with Shelter, Gasoline or bus ticket for transients/nonresidents stranded here and needing to get home. Out of town travel assistance is not offered to MC residents. Identification and or birth certificate (if needed for the purposes of obtaining employment/housing). The majority of assistance provided is in the form of a no-interest loan for which a lien is created. The client does not receive any bill from County but is expected to repay the debt, starting in a time frame created by the caseworker. Applicants can choose to walk-in to the office or receive a phone call to complete an interview. Those applying for transportation, medications or ID/BC assistance should come into the office to apply.


Food Vouchers
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Prescription Expense Assistance
Birth Certificate Fee Payment Assistance
Homeless Shelter
Bus Fare
Rent Payment Assistance
County Government Departments/Offices
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
General Relief
Identification Card Fee Payment Assistance
Driver License Fee Payment Assistance
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Gas Money
Rental Deposit Assistance
Must be a resident of Lake County to qualify for assistance. Must fill out application in Welfare Office. Assistance is NOT immediate and must be approved by the County Commissioners at their next scheduled meeting after the application process. Poor relief assistance is the last resort. Must seek assistance from all other agencies and/or groups before applying. One-time assistance only in a 12-month period. Utilities: Must provide a notice of termination from the company/supplier. Available in limited amounts. Applicants must apply for Energy Assistance through the Office of Energy Assistance in Pierre, SD before we may assist. Maximum assistance of $420. Will not pay deposits, late fees or reconnect fees. Rent: Must provide an eviction notice. Housing assistance is available in limited amounts and is paid per scale of household members at a maximum of $500. Will not pay deposits, late fees, rent to immediate family members or rent for residents in subsidized housing. If resident must apply for SD Rental Assistance programs and/or low-income housing before the county may assist. Medical Bills: The hospital services received must constitute emergency, medically necessary services. The hospital and/or patient must demonstrate to the county that it has exhausted all avenues of payment, including the hospital accepting reasonable monthly payments from the patient. No assistance is available for one that has health care insurance. Non-emergency Services - the county does not cover this type of medical assistance. Such as non-emergency hospital/physician/specialist office visits and/or hospital services, medical equipment, medications, health insurance premiums, home health services, dental or eye care and childbirth. Any assistance approved creates a lien against the borrower/applicant and must be paid back to Lake County, SD.


Utility Service Payment Assistance
General Relief
County Government Departments/Offices
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Available to Legion family members who have been displaced from their primary residence due to damage sustained during a declared natural disaster.


Utility Service Payment Assistance
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Veteran Membership Organizations
Disaster Relief/Recovery Organizations
Post Disaster Housing Assistance
Provides medical, hospitalization, and burial assistance to low income clients per statute. Any non-emergency medical treatment requires pre-approval. If applying for rental or utility assistance, all other resources must have been exhausted first. Economic assistance is for current amounts only. No payment for deposits of any kind. Assistance does require payback and a county lien is filed until paid in full.


Medical Care Expense Assistance
County Government Departments/Offices
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
General Relief
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Services provided by this office are a last resort. If eligibility criteria are met, assistance may include burial assistance, medical expense assistance, utility assistance, and rent assistance.


Rent Payment Assistance
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
County Government Departments/Offices
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Specialized Information and Referral
Auditor services include: - Auditing of all financial records of the County - Apportioning of taxes collected by the Treasurer to be disbursed to the Schools, Cities, and other special assessment entities - County accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, budgets, and tax levy - Beer and liquor licensing - County liens - Recorder of the minutes for the Board of County Commissioners - Maintains all voter records - Notary Public services available. Some fees may apply. - Administers all elections at the county level or above Based on eligibility guidelines, Welfare services include: - Medical assistance - Utilities assistance for disconnect notices on heating bills - Burial and funeral assistance


Absentee Ballots
County Auditor Offices
County Government Departments/Offices
Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
General Relief
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Notary Public Services
Beer/Liquor Licenses and Permits
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Election Information
Voter Registration Offices